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Dr. Prof. Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo

Italy - Lebanon

"It couldn't be done. The fool who didn't know... did it and... succeeded" - P. La Rosa, sj

  • Researcher, International Lecturer, Professor, and Essayist

  • Performing Arts Medicine Doctor

  • Specialist in Voice (as an ENT)

  • Specialist in Bioethics & Sexology

  • Creator, and Chair of two "Performing Arts Medicine" University programs at University Cusano, Italy

Gianluca Gucciardo, MD, PhD, is a renowned Italian doctor specializing in the care of artists and a world-famous expert in performing arts medicine. He directly works with Lara Fabian, Ghada Shbeir, Rosa Feola, Beppe Vessicchio, Giuseppe Liberto, Simona Patitucci, Andrés Montilla-Acurero, Adriano Maria Fazio, Roberto Sinagoga,  to name just a few.

Prof Gucciardo for International Singing Camp

About Dr. Prof. Gucciardo

Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo, hc BA, MHum, MD, double PhD, is a Performing Arts Medicine Doctor, specialized both in Voice Medicine (as an ENT) and in “Bioethics and Sexology”.


As an independent researcher and professor, and a physician, and a holder of a double PhD and of two Performing Arts Diplomas, in Lebanon, he teaches at the world-renowned USEK University of Kaslik. 


In Italy, he is the creator and the scientific and pedagogical manager of the University Master’s Degree in “Performing Arts Medicine” (intended for doctors) at the University Cusano, and, in the same Institution, the creator and the scientific and pedagogical manager of the University VET in “Performing Arts Medicine related Athletology” (intended for artists).


He has produced several studies on the themes of Phoniatrics, Voice therapy, and Theater Arts. With five Italian Publishing Houses, all independent (and that publish for free), he has printed nine essays related to: “Voice Medicine”, “Philosophy of Vocality”, “Performing Arts Medicine” and “Humanities”. As a “visionary artist & doc” as he is, he founded the “Italian Interdisciplinary Center for Performing Arts Medicine” (CEIMArs), which he is the chair of. Since 2004, by invitation, precisely on behalf of this non-profit unique Italian Institution, he brings his theoretical and practical experience and expertise to Universities, Theaters, Clinics and Academies, in particular in America, Asia and Europe.


​Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo is a: 


  • Medicinae Doctor (MD) (Register of Italian Doctors).

  • Specialist in ENT (not as a surgeon).

  • Specialist in Bioethics & Sexology (MHum).

  • PhD 1 (DDD): Doctor of Philosophy (Highly honorable with praise) in Performing Arts.

  • PhD 2 (DDD): Doctor of Philosophy (Highly honorable with praise) in Humanities.

  • Diploma honoris causa in Performing Arts (h.c. BA).

  • Expert in Performing Arts Medicine and in Voice Medicine, working with many Italian and Foreign Associations.

  • Show Dance, International Federal Instructor.

  • Adj. Prof. at the Music Conservatories and at the Universities in Italy, since 2004.

  • Visiting or Guest Professor at Universities in Brazil, Lebanon, and Poland.



Invited Lecturer or/and Guest Teaching Assistant or/and Instructor, from the year 2000, in courses, workshops and lectures (including 3 featured presentations) in Brazil, France, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Spain, USA etc.


Founder and Chair of CEIMArs, Italian non-profit Centre for Performing Arts Medicine.


Coordinator of the 4IPAM, i. e. the "Permanent Observatory for Performing Arts Medicine in Italy" (c/o PAS, Palermo, Italy).


Creator and scientific and educational manager of the University Master's degree in "Performing Arts Medicine" of UniCusano, Italy.


Creator and scientific and educational manager of the University VET Program in "Performing Arts Medicine related Athletology" of UniCusano, Italy.


Director of the editorial series "Scientia et Ars / Science and Arts" (c/o Qanat Publ., Palermo, Italy): from 2016 to 2021.


Director of the editorial series "Fos. Phylosophy, Medicine, Pedagogy and Science of Performing Arts" (c/o Di Leandro Publ., Rome, Italy): from 2022.


Author of many scientific articles, of some peer reviewed evaluations, and of nine printed essays (in Italian only) at the moment: "Voice & Sexuality", "Haptics in Voice Medicine", "Silence and Voice onstage and off stage", "Care & Cure of Art, of Body, and of Voice", "Neuro-Auriculo-Therapy in Vocology", "To care and to cure voices and persons", "Voice, Ego, and Society", "The Lemmas of the voice" and "Touch and Contact during both the clinical and the pedagogical settings for the artistic voice".


External Reviewer (in Phoniatrics, and in Speech Pathology) for Journal of Hearing Science (J Hear Sci).

Consultant in Voice Medicine and Performing Arts for various Organizations, Companies, and Academies. Clinical & Scientific Advisor at FIPASS, International Federation of Stage and Sports Performers. Foreign Member of APSArts, Association for the Prevention and Health of Artists, Lille. Associate Member of H1, F1000, Faculty Opinions, Laryngology & Speech Evaluation, London. Member of CoMeT, Collegium Medicorum Theatri, World Association of Theater Doctors, Salzburg. Honorary Life Member of The Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation, San Francisco. International Board Member of KOVPA, Korean Foundation for Voice of Performing Arts, Seoul.

"From 2000 to today, I have been constantly developing a concept and a vision of the clinical figure in the arts, which somewhat resembles the honorable yet complex role of a 'general practitioner for artists, with knowledge and skills both in medicine and in highly specific aspects related to their art.' I do not believe, in fact, in the omnipotent and omniscient specialist, or in one who works alone without a true team philosophy, especially considering how difficult it can be to truly understand the artist and their art. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to know their art in detail by studying music, dance, singing, acting, and even circus techniques, as well as other specific and specialized areas. I am interested in the artist as a person. I want to care for them, but also for their art. For this reason, I need to work in an interdisciplinary way, alongside other doctors, rehabilitators of all kinds, and teachers of voice, dance, and instrument arts." - Gianluca Gucciardo 


Healthy Voice in Healthy Body

Voice Medicine Consultation

Voice Medicine Consultation at the International Singing Camp

At the camp, we are excited to offer Voice Medicine Consultations for participants.


These sessions provide a thorough assessment of your vocal health, including specialized tests such as vocal spectrography, phonetography, and laryngoscopy.

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